Top 20 Highest-Rated Episodes in the Anime "One Piece" According to Global Rankings!


Top 20 Highest-Rated Episodes in the Anime "One Piece" According to Global Rankings!

Top 20 Highest-Rated Episodes in the Anime "One Piece" According to Global Rankings!


 Greetings, dear friends! Today, we will delve into the most captivating 20 episodes, highly rated in the anime "One Piece." This beloved anime has captured the hearts of many due to its captivating storyline and an abundance of remarkable characters.

20- Starting off at number twenty is the episode titled "Activating a New Gear Fourth Form - Snake Man," where Luffy reveals his new form while facing the formidable Big Mom Pirates' commander, Charlotte Katakuri. This episode received a remarkable rating of 9.4.

19- Moving on to the nineteenth position, we have the episode named "Odin Wouldn't Be Odin If He Didn't Boil," where Odin makes the ultimate sacrifice to save his nine loyal retainers, the Nine Red Scabbards. The episode also portrays the aftermath of Odin's death and its profound impact on the future of Wano. With a rating of 9.4, this episode earned its place among the best.

18- At the eighteenth spot, we find the episode titled "Big News! An Incident That Shakes the Shichibukai," which narrates the news of Sabo's alleged death spreading like wildfire across the world, plunging the Revolutionary Army into chaos. Additionally, the episode showcases the confrontation between X Drake and Kobe following the dissolution of the Shichibukai system. This thrilling episode earned a rating of 9.4.

17- Claiming the seventeenth place is the episode called "Roger's Adventure," which offers glimpses into Gol D. Roger's incredible journeys through the Grand Line, visiting legendary islands such as Water Seven, Skypiea, and Fish-Man Island. With a rating of 9.4, this episode is a true fan-favorite.

16- Next, at the sixteenth position, we have the episode named "Introducing the Tobiroppo," where the Straw Hat crew engages in a gripping battle against the fearsome Beast Pirates' headliners at Onigashima's entrance. Additionally, the Tobiroppo members convene as per Kaido's orders. This action-packed episode received a rating of 9.4.

15- Ascending to the fifteenth spot, we encounter the episode labeled "Crossing Blades," which showcases the epic three-day battle between Gol D. Roger's crew and the formidable Whitebeard Pirates. This monumental clash received a rating of 9.4.

14- Claiming the fourteenth position is the episode titled "The Moment of Conclusion - Odin vs. Kaido," where Odin bravely confronts Kaido, only to face a shocking revelation of Kaido's preparedness due to a traitor among the Nine Red Scabbards. The fierce duel between Odin and Kaido highlights Odin's mastery with his dual swords. This episode earned a rating of 9.4.

13- Moving on to the thirteenth spot, we encounter the episode named "Assault - Odin's Will," where the Nine Red Scabbards rally together to valiantly fight against Kaido. Their expert swordsmanship and Haki techniques inflict a deep wound upon Kaido, leaving a lasting memory of Odin's bravery. This episode received a rating of 9.4.

12- Continuing to the twelfth position, we have the episode titled "Birth of the Pirate King - Arrival at the Last Island." In this episode, Roger and his crew finally reach the enigmatic final island, Raftel, which Roger dubbed "Laugh Tale." After witnessing the treasure of One Piece, Roger and his crew share heartfelt laughter. This monumental episode earned a rating of 9.4.

11- At the eleventh position, we find the episode titled "Luffy vs. Sanji". This episode left a profound impact on the audience, evoking a mix of emotions. We witnessed Luffy's unwavering determination to move forward at any cost, while Sanji took it upon himself to strike Luffy and deliver a harsh message, all to protect him and the Straw Hat crew. The episode earned a remarkable rating of 9.5.

10- Next, in the tenth position, we have the episode titled "Return of the Sake Cup - Jimbei the Crazy Fish-Man Pays His Debt". In this episode, Jimbei declared his desire to leave his former crew and join Luffy's crew. Jimbei showed courage and strength in front of the formidable Yonko, Big Mom. The episode received a high rating of 9.5.

9- Moving on to the ninth position, we have the episode titled "Wano Country - Land of the Moon, and the Samurai". Through this episode, we witnessed the opening of the Wano Arc , Zoro's reappearance since parting ways with the Straw Hat crew on Zou Island. The episode earned a rating of 9.5.

8- At the eighth position, we encounter the episode titled "The Giant War Ends - Shanks Makes His Move". This episode delivered one of the most impactful interventions in the history of One Piece and the entire anime world. Shanks, the legendary figure, made a powerful entrance with inspiring words, skillfully putting an end to the Marineford War. The episode garnered a rating of 9.5.

7- Continuing to the seventh position, we have the episode titled "Farewell, Merry - The Ship of Going Merry". This episode stands out as one of the most emotional and dramatic installments. The poignant farewell to the ship Merry was a heart-wrenching moment for both the crew and the anime's audience. The episode received a rating of 9.5.

6- Next, at the sixth position, we encounter the episode titled "Destruction of the Crew - Means the Destruction of Me, It's My Path of Suffering". This episode exemplified the greatness of Zoro, who selflessly sacrificed himself for his crew and Luffy. Zoro's heroic and touching moments were brilliantly portrayed in this episode, earning it a rating of 9.5.

5- Moving to the fifth position, we find the episode titled "The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew". This episode portrayed a vulnerable side of Luffy as he faced challenges in protecting his crew from Kuma. The episode marked a significant and emotional chapter in the history of the Straw Hat crew, and it received a rating of 9.5.

4- At the fourth position, we have the episode titled "Whitebeard's Fury". This episode was one of the most intense and terrifying in the series. Witnessing Whitebeard's unrestrained rage and his immense power as he sought revenge for Ace's death by confronting Akainu was a memorable moment. The episode earned a rating of 9.5.

3- Moving on to the third position, we encounter the episode titled "In Search of the Answer". In this episode, a shocking moment unfolded, especially for Luffy, as he witnessed Ace's tragic fate. This emotionally charged episode earned a rating of 9.5.

2- Next, in the second position, we have the episode titled "Blackbeard vs. Whitebeard". This legendary episode revealed the true nature of a pirate - someone who can betray you at any moment, forget gratitude, and embody absolute evil. The episode provided a fantastic conclusion to the Whitebeard legend, and its lasting impact earned it a rating of 9.5.

1- Finally, in the first position, we have the highest-rated episode titled "We're Friends, I Want to Live". This episode is among the best in the series, showcasing the crew's unwavering solidarity against the World Government, as they burn their flag and fight to save their friend, Robin. The episode featured a powerful moment when Robin learned the truth from Saul, the giant who protected her in her childhood, leading her to trust in her true friends who wished to live alongside her.

Note: This ranking was issued before the episode featuring the fifth Emperor, and it should be acknowledged that the appearance of the fifth Emperor deserves a prominent place on this list.

In conclusion, I wanted to share my opinion on the subject, and honestly, there might be higher ratings for this great anime. The important thing is that we all enjoy watching the adventures of Luffy and his fantastic crew. I hope you like this article, and thank you for reading it. See you in another topic. Sayonara!"



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